Supporting Vaccination Efforts
An Animated Video Series by AAPA and The France Foundation
In support of COVID-19 vaccine distribution, AAPA and The France Foundation are sharing three short animated videos to help support your conversations with patients about being vaccinated. Supported by an independent medical education grant from GlaxoSmithKline.
Are your decisions impacted by what’s expected of you? Most likely!
People aren’t always rational. How we make decisions, including those about our health, are influenced by many factors, including what is expected of us and what others like us do. This short animated video highlights how defaults and social norms can be used to help us think about vaccination decisions differently.
Are your decisions influenced by thrilling headlines? Probably!
We often judge how frequently something happens by how easily we remember seeing or hearing about it. What we can recall seems more likely than what we can’t recall. This short animated video demonstrates how we can focus people’s attention on the right side of the vaccination story.
Are the decisions you made today based on the experiences you had yesterday?
Memories of unpleasant experiences are primarily based on how “bad”, “terrible”, and “disagreeable” they were at their worst moments and at the end of the experience. This short animated video illustrates how we can improve the experience of vaccinations to increase the odds of having patients return the next time.